Logging in with Biometric ID

You may use your phone’s native Biometric ID if you wish.  Device Authentication Biometric Data (fingerprint, FaceID) used to log into a user’s mobile device, apps on your mobile device, and set up at a device operating system level is not sent to nor stored by the Wellinks database or systems. This Device Authentication Biometric Data is used only for purposes of verifying login information, and permission must be set at the device operating system level. More simply, your Wellinks password is stored locally on your phone using your face or finger as the key.

To enable biometric ID for login, select or slide the ‘Turn OnBiometric ID’ toggle at the bottom of the login page to ON.

Wellinks app login screen with biometric toggle

Enter your username and password into the login screen, then hit ‘Sign In.’

If prompted ‘Would you like this app to use Biometric Login?’, select ‘Yes.’

If you are automatically logged out of the app, your log-in screen will let you use Biometric ID for login. Select the Biometric ID/Face ID or fingerprint ID button. 

Wellinks app login page with biometric turned on

Your phone’s Biometric ID verification process will begin, when you successfully complete the verification, you will be logged in.

To turn off Biometric ID, go to the Profile tab using the bottom menu. Scroll down to the bottom of the Profile page and slide the Biometric ID toggle to OFF.

Wellinks App profile page showing biometric slider

Alternatively select ‘No’ on the biometric login prompt after logging off.

If you remove permissions for the Wellinks app to use Biometric ID in your device’s system settings, the Biometric ID button will still appear on the Wellinks app login screen. However, nothing will happen when you click on the Biometric ID button.

Note: If you went through the Password Reset process on or after July 2022, the system will turn off biometric ID. This will clear you password from biometric memory. This is a security measure. You are free to turn Biometric ID back on. This will allow your mobile device to associate your new password with your biometric ID.

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