Mobile Password Reset

  1. On the login screen, tap the "Having trouble logging in?" button.
  2. Enter your login email address, typically the one used for past Wellinks notifications. If you are unsure which email you used, please contact
  3. Tap the "Send Reset Link" button.
  4. A pop-up will confirm that the password reset link has been sent.
  5. Tap "OK" and navigate to your email app.
  6. If the email is not received, refresh your inbox or check your Spam folder. If you still haven’t received an email, return to the app to verify the email address for typos.
  7. In the email, tap the "Change Password" button. This will open a browser window with the Reset Password screen, either within the Wellinks app on a mobile device or in your web browser on a computer.
  8. Enter your new password, adhering to the provided guidelines.
    1. Aim for strong, memorable, and unique passwords to safeguard your health data.
  9. Tap the “Reset Password” button. If unable to click, ensure passwords in both fields match.
  10. For mobile devices, the Wellinks app will automatically log you in. If on a computer, switch to your mobile device and use your new password with the existing email to log in.
    1. You may need to dismiss the current message and use the left carat (<) at the top of the page to return to the login screen from the Reset Password screen.
  11. Welcome back to the Wellinks mobile app!

Should you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact the support team at

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