How to Add a Pulse Oximetry Reading

A pulse oximeter is a great tool to measure your blood oxygen level, which can help you and your healthcare provider monitor your condition. This guide shows you how to use your Wellinks pulse oximeter. 

In This Article

How to Use Your Oxiline Pulse Oximeter

  1. Briefly press the power button on your Oxiline Pulse Oximeter, feeling a click without holding it down to avoid accessing the Settings screen.
  2. Open the pulse oximeter, ensuring a visible light.
  3. Gently place one of your larger fingers where the light is located and close the oximeter.
    • Larger fingers result in more accurate readings while smaller fingers may result in errors.
    • If you see a "Finger out" message, adjust the placement on a different finger and try again.
  4. Rest the pulse oximeter on a stable surface, like your hand or a table, for better accuracy.
  5. Ensure your hand is warm and steady, waiting a minute or two before taking another reading.
  6. The device shows "--" indicators during the reading and displays your SpO2% and BPM numbers once a signal is detected.
  7. The device automatically turns off upon removing your finger to conserve battery.

Wellinks Clinical Exercise Physiologist Krista demonstrates how to use your pulse oximeter.

  1. Open the Wellinks app on your phone.
  2. Under "Your Latest Readings," tap the "+ Add" button next to Pulse Oximetry.
    • If you do not have any pulse oximetry readings, tap the "Add Pulse Oximetry Reading" button.
  3. Turn on your pulse oximeter by quickly pressing the power button. You should feel a click and see the screen turn on.
  4. Tap the "Scan for Device" button to connect to the pulse oximeter. The phone will search for the device and move to the next page once it is found. This process should take less than 10 seconds
    1. If the screen on the pulse oximeter turns off while the app is searching, press the power button again.
  5. Gently close the pulse oximeter on one of your larger fingers where the light is. Please note:
    • Smaller fingers may yield inaccurate readings.
    • A "Finger out" message indicates improper placement; try a different finger.
  6. Rest the pulse oximeter on a stable surface, like your hand, leg, or a table for accuracy.
    • The device shows "--" indicators during the reading and displays your SpO2% and BPM numbers once a signal is detected.
  7. Tap "Begin Reading." The device will begin to take a reading and transmit the reading to the app.
  8. The phone will automatically save the reading after 4 seconds and display your result on the next page.
  9. To save the reading, tap "Confirm." If this number is not correct and you would like to take a new reading, tap "Discard and take a new reading."

At any point, you can exit this workflow by tapping the "X" button in the upper right corner of the screen. This will close the reading workflow without saving any results.

Trouble connecting to Bluetooth

If you are having trouble connecting your device, refer to this article for troubleshooting steps.

A Few Important Tips

  • Keep track of your readings and share them with your healthcare provider. They will tell you what your target oxygen level should be and what to do if you register below that.
  • If you get a low reading, take a self-inventory. Are you feeling short of breath? Are your fingers or lips blue? If you feel fine, don’t worry! Just wait a minute or two before taking another reading, and consider switching hands or fingers. If you continue to get a low reading, contact your healthcare provider. 
  • If you have cold hands, or a condition like Raynaud’s or scleroderma that doesn’t let you warm up your hands easily, a pulse oximeter may not work well for you. Talk to your healthcare provider about other ways to use your pulse oximeter.
  • Dark nail polish or acrylic nails can affect the accuracy of your pulse oximetry reading. Try turning your finger sideways to get a more accurate reading, or try using a different finger.  

If you have any questions or problems with your Wellinks pulse oximeter, talk to your Wellinks care team!

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