Timed Up and Go (TUG)

The timed up and Go (TUG) is a quick assessment used to measure your mobility, balance, and fall risk. Take the TUG in an open space, wear comfortable footwear, use oxygen if prescribed, and use a walking aid needed.

You Will Need

  • A chair
  • A stopwatch
  • A measuring tape
  • Oxygen if prescribed
  • Any walking aid you typically use


  1. Set up a sturdy chair and measure out 10 feet (3 meters) of space in front of the chair, mark where 10 feet (120 inches or 3 meters) is.
    1. Be sure that the space is clear between the 10-foot (120-inch or 3-meter) mark and your chair, avoid slippery surfaces.
  2. Begin the TUG Assessment seated in the chair.
  3. Start the stopwatch and stand up from the chair.
  4. At your normal pace, walk 10 feet (120 inches or 3 meters) in front of you.
  5. Turn around and walk back to your chair.
  6. Sit down and stop the stopwatch.
  7. Record your results in your 12 Week Exercise Guide. You can download and print an extra copy here

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