
As Needed Doses

any rescue, preventive, or unscheduled medications. These doses are not prescribed to you for use on a daily or regular basis.


The CAT is an acronym for COPD Assessment Test. According to; "It is designed to measure the impact of COPD on a person's life, and how this changes over time. The results of the test should only be used in discussion with your healthcare professional to better manage your COPD". The COPD Assessment Test was developed by a multi-disciplinary group of international experts in COPD supported by GSK. For more information go to

Pulse Oximeter

A device that gently wraps around your fingertip to measure the saturation of oxygen being carried by your red blood cells (blood saturation or SpO2). It also measures your heart rate, which is how many beats per minute your heart is pumping (BPM). This tool can help you understand how well your lungs are working and if your asthma or COPD medication is doing its job.


a common lung function test conducted with a device called a spirometer. As you blow into the mouthpiece, the spirometer measures how much air you exhale in one second (FEV1), as well as peak flow. This tool can help determine how well your lungs are working and monitor for change that would indicate a worsen

  • To determine how well the lungs receive, hold, and utilize air
  • To monitor a lung disease
  • To observe the effectiveness of treatment
  • To determine the level of a lung disease
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